Seedling emergence capacity and morphological traits are under strong genetic control in the resin tree Pinus oocarpa
Valerio Velasco-García Mario (1), Liliana Muñoz-Gutiérrez (1) , Gabriel Martínez-Cantera (2)
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 245-251 (2024)
Published: Aug 16, 2024 - Copyright © 2024 SISEF
Research Articles
Pinus oocarpa is a widely distributed species essential for resin production in Mexico, where demand surpasses supply. This study aimed to identify differences and variation levels of seedling emergence capacity and morphological traits in resin-producing high-yield P. oocarpa trees and estimate their genetic control. Seeds from 72 open-pollinated families were planted using a randomized complete block experimental design. Differences between families were determined and pooled using cluster analysis. We recorded wide differences in seed emergence capacity and morphological traits (cotyledon number and length, and hypocotyl length), allowing to establish three family groups. We also calculated the contribution of the variation sources to the total variance and genetic parameters involved. Our data evidenced high genetic control for all tested variables. We found a moderate and positive genetic correlation between cotyledon length, cotyledon number, and hypocotyl length. We also found a high negative genetic correlation between emergence capacity and hypocotyl length. At the phenotypic level, we found a high and significant correlation between cotyledon length and number. Grouping P. oocarpa into families should aid decision-making for sexual propagation since a high propagation capacity of the high-yield trees is essential for genetic improvement programs. Moreover, we demonstrate that the heritability of the emergence capacity and other morphological traits is high; these traits can be useful for the early selection of high-yield families.
Egg-cone pine, Cotyledons, Genetic Control, Genetic Correlation, Genetic Variation, Heritability
Authors’ Info
Authors’ address
Liliana Muñoz-Gutiérrez 0000-0001-5207-7665
National Institute on Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research, Progreso 5, Barrio de Santa Catarina, Coyoacán, 04010 Mexico City (Mexico)
Protector of Forests of the State of Mexico, Rancho Guadalupe Manzana 009, 52148 Llano Grande, State of Mexico (Mexico)
Corresponding author
Paper Info
Velasco-García Mario V, Muñoz-Gutiérrez L, Martínez-Cantera G (2024). Seedling emergence capacity and morphological traits are under strong genetic control in the resin tree Pinus oocarpa. iForest 17: 245-251. - doi: 10.3832/ifor4397-017
Academic Editor
Claudia Cocozza
Paper history
Received: Jun 01, 2023
Accepted: Mar 27, 2024
First online: Aug 16, 2024
Publication Date: Aug 31, 2024
Publication Time: 4.73 months
Copyright Information
© SISEF - The Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 2024
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This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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